
I was so surprised (but happy!) that I got Calvin for this week. It seriously made my week! We had an awesome week together =)

On Wednesday night we went to visit my best friend in Davis, and while she went to a IV frisbee game Calvin and I hung out watching glee with her floormates – they were all very impressed by his growl. Then we took Calvin on a hunt for yogurt and coffee, which lead to us not sleeping until the next day.

Thursday night he met some people from my church group and then stayed up all night with me while I did homework.

On Friday he decided he needed a rest from all these all nighters so he stayed in while I went to K-fam dinner. But he helped me and my floormates make cards for senior citizens later that night! Saturday day he motivated me to finally get going on my paper =) After fenton's he decided he needed another nap so he didn't go out with me but he made sure I was up bright and early sunday to do my paper! I kept getting distracted but he kept me on task! We went to bed for 2 hours and then he napped while I went to class.

Monday night I went to go see New Moon but Calvin hasn't read the books yet so he decided to wait. He kept me company until 5am when I (finally!) finished my paper and calmed me down when I woke up at 6 and realized I needed to RUN to the service project.

I will miss his company – especially during all nighters! But I'm sure he will be happy to get some rest and enjoy an AWESOME thanksgiving! Yay Calvin!



Oh my goodness. I cannot believe that my week with Calvin is already OVER. :( I've done so many incredbly fun things and had the most awesome experiences with Calvin the Bear this week. I don't know where to ever begin... I suppose chronological order would be the best way to explain my week. :D

Tuesday 11/10: I was so so so stoked to find out that I get to be member of the week!!! yayyy~ So that night, I went out to dinner with some of my friends, and of course I introduced Calvin to them (they thought he was the cutest thing ever) while we ate Korean food (Calvin has a surprisingly high tolerance for spicy food! :O) And then, since we had the day off for veteran's day on weds, my friends and I decided to go KAROKE!!! We sang our hearts out and then proceeded to our little slumber party at one of my friends' lounges. Calvin showed off his awesome singing + dancing skills. It was a spectacular night!

Wednesday 11/11: I was uber tired from not sleeping the night before, so today was a mellow day. Even though I promised Calvin I would be productive, I ended up being a couch potato and watched Korean dramas. What a waste of a good day off. Oh well! At least Calvin got to learn a few Korean words! :) He's going international, you know. [Calvin wrote some Korean here] ← He wrote that :D

Thursday 11/12: Today, Calvin helped me get through one of the most important events I had to attend this week → My CALSO individual interview! I was really really nervous, but Calvin said to take a deep breath, relax, and have fun. And w/his advice, I think I manged to do fairly well. OH! And Calvin also helped me get some more info about my assassin, since we are playing an intense game as of now. Watch out, target!

Friday 11/13: Despite today being Friday the 13th, I wasn't having a bad day at all. There was even a unit 1 dance, so my friends and I dressed up in pretty semi-formal attire and was about to have a great time until... MY ASSASSIN CAME & KILLED ME! :( I guess Friday the 13th did have its effects after all. I was really depressed that I got killed off during the 2nd day... But Calvin knew how to cheer me up! We sang Aladdin (the theme song) together. It was very relaxing.

Saturday 11/14: I went back home to Pleasanton, CA to see my family. I actually only live 30 minutes away, so Calvin didn't mind the travel. My family loved him. My mom even cooked for him some yummy Korean food and Calvin enjoyed spicy rice cake dish a lot :3 :D

Sunday 11/15: When I came back to Berkeley my friends and I wanted to go to SF Japantown. I wished I could have taken Calvin with me, but I was just too afraid that something might happen to him, so he stayed home and guarded my dorm. Later, I showed him everything I bought. He loved it all :)

Monday 11/16: It was back to school work as Calvin helped me practice my Japanese. Also, my friends and I began our own round of Assassins, so Calvin told me to redeem myself from Circle K assassins FAIL and helped me kill 2 targets in one night. Mwahaha- we also went to watch the Leonid meteor showers! Calvin was amazed, though he stayed in this bag → it was freezing cold!

Tuesday 11/17: It's already Tuesday and i'm so sad I have to let Calvin go. I had so much fun this week and I will never ever forget these precious moments I got to spend with him. General meeting is about to start in half an hour so I must tear myeslf away from this passport. I really do hope that the next Circle K'er who gets to take Calvin really treats him well. He needs ALL of your love & smiles & cheering. :) Thank you UCBCKI for letting me make incredible memories with the mots incredible bear, friend, brother ever. CALVIN I'm going to miss you :(



I was honored to have Calvin be my guest this past week. Unfortunately, our week didn't start off too fun, since the first couple of d Calvin was with me he had to stay home because it was raining really hard.

But after that, Calvin and I had a lot of quality bonding time. On our first date, I took Calvin out to see an Indian (Hindi) A-capella singing competition. I think he really enjoy it!

The rest of week, Calvin has been my faithful study-buddy for my upcoming midterms. No matter what time of day or what place, I could always count on Calvin to patiently stay beside and help me with my review problems (little known fact: Calvin is really good at statistics!).

As our week together comes to a close, I can't stress enough how much I am going to miss Calvin being my guest and I hope he continues to have an amazing time with whomever hosts him in the future.



I was really surprised when I got member of the week, so I stumbled as I went over to get Calvin.

The very first thing I did with Calvin was to have Airi hold on to him while we walked back to our dorms, since she missed him so much. Well when Calvin and I reached Foothill, he met all my suitemates and they all loved him! (Even if he did walk and growl through a game of Apples to Apples!) Calvin has been a comfort to me, as my roommate was absent for the entire week due to illness. :( He also posed for a picture holding asign addressed to a friend to get better. She is currently fighting bone cancer.

Calvin also went to all my classes and defended my Unicef box while I went around campus. I'm happy to say that box is getting heavier. On the event of Halloween we went to the Children's Halloween Festival workday and worked until very late at night.

That day I also took Calvin to Late Night at Crossroads with some new friends we made from the workday. I had to put Calvin in my backpack to save his eyes from burning from people's “costumes,” which weren't really considered clothing.

The next day we got up early to go to the Children's Halloween Festival!!! It was a lot of fun and Calvin was happy that the kids were scared by the haunted house.

After our fun adventure, Calvin and I did some hardcore studying for math midterm and paper. Finally, today is Tuesday and I have to give Calvin back. I'm sad that I won't have Calvin anymore. My friends and I grew fond of him. I'm glad that I at least got to spend my 18th birthday with him. Goodbye Calvin! I'm going to miss you! Have fun meeting new people and going on greater adventures!

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