
We went to DCON! <3

Epic Weekend with awesome people. Calvin lost his voice/roar!

-Hanna Huynh


Yay! I was so surprised and really happy that I got Calvin! Really made my day (and week!) Right after the general meeting, we went on a CHIPOTLE run! Having Calvin as my eating buddy along with a spectacular buy-one-get-one free deal is amazing! Calvin even volunteered to accompany me to my other meetings (yay for interclub relations!)
where I introduced Calvin to my other friends and he helped come up with spectacular ideas…and even helped bake a cake! Walking back with him made me feel a lot safer even late at night through Berkeley! Unfortunately, I had a lot of midterms…but Calvin is a really good study buddy! I’m usually a HUGE procrastinator, but he just growled at me (pretty scary if you ask me) until I started and surprisingly I got a lot accomplished!

Calvin also accompanied me to my last Single Service and Public Relations meeting… kind of nostalgic and sad, but we toughened up! Did you know Calvin was athletic?! I didn’t! But all week he pushed me outside to play tennis or even to the RSF for kickboxing classes and a small weight-room workout! He took to them so well…and for my first time…well let’s just say Calvin was a bit of my inspiration! But I guess we worked a little too hard because it was IMPOSSIBLE to wake him up for Friends of Five Creeks…so I let him sleep in. Probably one of the few he gets for being the Circle K Bear! I had so much fun with Calvin this week! Too bad it was only a week. Calvin, you inspire me!! :D

- Tim Truong


Calvin and I had such a great week together, even though I had midterms. At the general meeting, Calvin congratulated me for chairing my first project, Start with a Story! 
On Wednesday, Calvin and I went to Newsletter and Single Service committee meetings. We couldn't go to any committee meetings Thursday though because I had a history midterm and Japanese test the next day. Calvin was a big help though I was studying all night. Before that, however, Calvin and I did some last minute shopping for Tahoe Social. That's right, Tahoe Social, only the biggest social of the year!! Calvin and I were so excited to go. After taking my exams on Friday, Calvin and I finished packing for Tahoe and sent in my chair application. Then we were off to Tahoe. Next time I don't think I'll let Calvin help pack though because we definitely overpacked lol!

Calvin and I were in Bethany's car with Sarah and Chris. We had a lot of fun talking to everyone and going to In and Out for the first time! We were amazed when we saw the huge house we were staying at. Later, we helped make a snowman and I told Calvin how much I missed the snow. We had a lot of fun hanging out with everyone at Tahoe. Our favorite part though was skiing at the resort. Calvin was a natural. Unfortunately, I was not that good. 
On Monday, Calvin and I celebrated doing well on my physics midterm. Then we went to Fundraising and Projects Committees. Calvin and I had such a great time together and I'm definitely going to miss him. Whoever is the next member of the week should take good care of him. <3

- Carly Wasserman


Ahhhh!!! So much fun with Calvin!!! However the first night wasn't that much fun because I had to study for my physics midterm :( Especially since I couldn't focus after all the excitement at elections! Congrats again to board! The next day, which was Wednesday, I took Calvin to all of my classes and now I think he despises Pimentel which is where I had my chem lecture and my awful physics midterm. 
Then once the midterm was over, I got to show Calvin the amazing wonders of... LATE NIGHT! *haha almost forgot the "h"* We got to see some fellow Circle K-ers and now have a new inside joke. If you were a potato, how would you be cooked? :) Then Thursday, which means lab. We finished up the lab where we got to smell chemicals that were fruity. 

Later that day, I took Calvin to the Spirit and Social meeting. Calvin had a bunch of good ideas for spirit items at DCON. Can't wait! Then dance practice for DCON. Calvin has some serious moves! Then Friday!!! After a round of classes, we were off to the interfamily social at the Westfield Mall in SF.
We had lots of fun dressing up as Lady Gaga and for prom. After the social, we had a How I Met Your Mother marathon, which was awesome.

Then Saturday when it was time to study again, this time for my math midterm on Monday. We took a break and went to the DCON talent act recording and single service work day. It was cool seeing everything coming together. Then off to Ace of Cakes. So many awesome cakes! Then on Sunday we went to Keeping Healthy, Keeping Happy. We played line tag which was ridiculously fun. Later Calvin got to meet my family at dinner at Thai Noodle II. Then Monday and the other awful midterm. grr! as Calvin would say. Then off to the Fundraising meeting. Calvin is just loads of fun and I'm going to miss him lots! 

Grace Go
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