The Adventures of Calvin and JC

Calvin and I were pretty much inseparable. I didn't want to leave him in my dorm just sitting there doing nothing, so I brought him everywhere I went, well except for the bathroom. I didn't want to put him through the torture of the horrid bathroom stench.

so, during the week we went to four committee meetings: Single Service, FUN COM, K-Fam, and Spirit and Social. On Friday we went to the last day of Circle K week where the focus was on health and safety. After that we went to Le Conte Elementary School for Hands on Science. We taught the children the science of music and sound.

Then on Saturday, we had a busy day filled with service projects. First, we went to the Friends of Sausal Creek Restoration service project, where Calvin and I got to visit nature at its best. After that, we went to San Francisco for the Green Festival. We got t-shirts, but Calvin couldn't get one because they didn't have a shirt his size.

Unfortunately, Calvin had to stay in my backpack because he could have gotten really dirty or even worse he could have gotten lost with all the garbage that we had to sort. Four hours of smelly, filthy, gruesome, stinky, vile, nasty, disgusting, putrid garbage sorting, but it was all worth it because we got lots of free stuff.

Calvin and I also made a music video, which he thought of all by himself. He's a genius. He was amazing in that video. Also, we took pictures (like this one) and we also had a blast listening to music. He loved the music I played. He especially liked listening to David Archuleta. His album came out on November 11, 2008 and Calvin couldn't wait to listen to it.

He danced to it, sang with it, and he even made his own song entitled "Calvin Oh Calvin the Bear." At night before we slept, we would talk until we fell asleep. Calvin is the best listener. Calvin always knew what to do to cheer me up. One hug from him and that was it, I would feel so much better.

For the next member of the week, I hope you handle Calvin with some TLC. Try not to leave him in your room because he loves going out, exploring the world, and meeting new people. Bye Calvin, until we meet again.


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