On Saturday we helped set-up RCD's Walk-a-Thon. It was a picture-perfect summer day... Calvin and I took a pretty chill walk throughout campus to help place guide markers. After the event, Calvin and I went to Yogurtland with Bethany, Wesley, Anna, Ted, Sylvia, and Joe Lee! We went home with very content stomachs and returned to our normal routine of studying with our good friends Morrison and Moffitt >.<
Other than that, there was not much I could do with Calvin as MoW. I wish we spent more time doing fun stuff together but finals are fast approaching! Good-bye and adieu Calvin... have a great summer!
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You know, friends come and sometimes- they have to go. It's a good thing I was gifted with this amazing intelligence because I remember every single one of them.
On a different note, Morrison is the best place to nap. mmmmmm naps.
Hey Calvin! ^-^ Thanks for lending me your footprints for our t-shirt yo!
no problem Jonamir 8)! I will gladly share my awesomeness with you and the club, hehe.
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