I am so glad that I was able to hang out with Calvin the entire break, and so the adventure begins...
Calvin and I were like peanut butter and jelly this time around as I took Calvin as many places as possible since the end of Thanksgiving Break.
Calvin was a huge encouragement during dead week. We decided to utilize our time extremely well by going to events like study-a-thon. Then Calvin though it would be good to de-stress before finals by going to Final Chill Night.

Enter the happiest time of the year, CHRISTMAS!! We started out the holiday season by spreading holiday cheer in the form of Barnes and Noble Gift Wrapping. By the end of our many shifts, we became pro at wrapping, so much, that I bet Santa would start giving us calls to manage gift wrapping at his workshop.
One interesting side note, on our way to Barnes and Noble, I believe we ran into Calvin's long lost cousin Melvin. He lives in Emeryville and let's just say that he is a little stocky.
Now it was time for a Christmas adventure back at my hometown, which means a Hollywood Christmas Adventure is upon us. Calvin loved being in Hollywood, and I couldn't stop him from trying to get the autographs of various celebrities (he even almost pounced on Justin Timberlake at a celebrity basketball game).
Back at home the family loved him. He cooked many dishes with my mother (from wonton soup, to beef curry). My little sister, an aspiring veterinarian, even decided to give Calvin a check-up. Let's just say he was a little dirty (and I had the steamer to take care of that.
After Christmas, it was time to GO WEST!!! Calvin had a fun time getting to meet with other CKI'ers all across the district during our interclubbing adventures. Calvin even met his counterpart at UCLA (TurKey - the Turtle Monkey hybrid).
Speaking of Interclubs, we both participated in the UCLA Pillow Fight where we were a part of a team led by Pikachu and Calvin dubbed "The Yellow Pikachus." Calvin and Pikachu were a formidable duo and no one should ever mess with them in a Pokemon Battle (The Roar-Thunderbolt combo attack is pretty impressive).
After the Hollywood adventure was over, it was time to head back home to Berkeley... This adventure was so much better than the last time (Calvin didn't even beat me up in the sparring match this time). I am a little sad that we can't hang out this close anymore, but I am happy that Calvin will now have the chance to meet many new members and have many new adventure with so many amazing people. Until next time Calvin. May you have the best 2011 ever!!!
Live Strong
John M. Moore III