Camp Cazadero

Written by Vincent Lim


Calvin was very excited that he got to come and stay with me again! He was even more excited this time I think because we went on even more adventures this time!

On Friday Calvin was sad because we didn't hang out with Circle K, but I forced him to go to Santa Cruz with me to eat food, and then to Santa Rosa to meet friends who just came home! I was glad he came because when I came home to Berkeley that night I was threatened by a mean raccoon in front of my apartment, and Calvin had to scare it away for me with his powerful, fear provoking, growl!

On Saturday we had fun at ROCK trying to play soccer.

On Sunday I let Calvin sneak into concessions with me, but he refused to work and just kept eating hot dogs. But we all (the 2 of us) had to leave early to catch Louel's show. (Which was awesome btw) I think Calvin enjoyed it too.


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Any raccoons or other creatures that plan on threatening Andrea any time soon better watch out!! I eat creepers like you for fifth dinner!! (which, by the way, is the most important meal of the day!)


Yay! i'm so happy I got Calvin this week! On Friday, I took Calvin to the Rugby concession stands where he sat watching guys tackling one another in their short shorts. He really wanted to run out and play with them, but decided to stay with me to help sell food. I'm sure Calvin attracted many customers and helped us raise a lot of money!

Saturday, I took Calvin on a bus ride to Roberta Bliss's house where we made PTP dolls for Pediatric trauma! He sat watching us attempt to use the sewing machine. With his guidance, luckily no one got hurt. Later we had an amazing lunch, picnic in Roberta's backyard in the perfect weather.

After we got back to Berkeley, Calvin came with me on BART to Fremont where I took him to my Uncle's birthday dinner. My little cousins had a great time playing with him and I hope Calvin had a fun time too!


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It's not everyday that I'm endowed with the opportunity to play with boys in short shorts, but I think it was best that I helped Crystal out with concession stands instead! 


Ahhh it's been a week already, time flies when you're having fun I guess. Calvin was a little confused of how CRAZY his week was, but he has made a fully recovery. He relaxed on my desk for some of the week because I ___, but then Friday afternoon we were off! and he couldn't get to rest on my desk again until Sunday night.

He came to the hands on science planning meeting and then we went to the gym and the cardio salsa class and Calvin perfected his awesome moves and impressed the ladies. On Saturday we went to Eggster, but there was paint a-go-go so Calvin stayed in my bag most of the time to avoid flying paint from the kids (and Circle K'ers) who were making straw paintings.

On Sunday he came to the Family Park Picnic Social and caught some rays because it was a beautiful day! He made sure to stay away from the ferocious ducks though because they were mean buggers.

Calvin got to meet my best friend from back home over Skype and showed her his sweet moves, and she was very impressed. She told Calvin she was digging his kool-aid but he had to let her down because he said the long distance thing would never work out.

I had an AMAZING week with Calvin and I will miss him!


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It was fun being super busy with Bethany. Ducks really scare me though. They might be my one and only weakness!!


I was so happy to get Calvin this week! I didn't expect it at all! Unfortunately I missed the general meeting =( (I had to go to some stupid other meeting =P)

but Calvin and I met at the Spirit and Social Committee "meeting" (party!) even though Andrea kicked him because he wouldn't walk fast enough and then Darrell caused him to lose his batteries, I think he had a good time at the meeting. (he didn't talk much though.)

Saturday, Calvin came with me to the Eggster workday and had so much fun packing egg after egg with candy after candy and never got tired of it! Honestly, he just kinda sat there most of the time and didn't help much. I think he did his best though.

Sunday, we went to Nina's to bake cookies for soldiers. He was a good bear and didn't sneak any for himself. Then that night I took him to Coriya Hot Pot for Mimi's Newsletter Committee Dinner. The food was really good - I at a lot of meat and they even had fake oreos! Calvin waited patiently for his food but in the end I forgot to feed him! Oh well- for some reason I think he'll survive.

Anyway, Calvin told me he enjoyed the week and is looking forward to the next member of the week (he must be sick of me).


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How did you forget to feed me, Wesley?! It was like torture, just looking at all the meat at Coriya Hot Pot! Torture, I say!! I was drooling all over the place!!!

We did have fun, though. And I didn't get sick of you, man. Maybe a little cranky though. Next time, you take me to Coriya Hot Pot, and you feed me, alright?! Hehe, just kidding.
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