
Wow I can't believe I had Calvin for a week! Time flies for sure! Well, when I got Calvin last week I was honored and totally not expecting his company.

He ended up accompanying my roommate + I to each pho noodles. Who knew bears liked vietnamese noodles so much? Anyway I ended up leaving Calvin behind during this weeks crazy projects like Ace of Cakes because he probably would have eaten all the cake & would have been thrown out for being disruptive-- what a wild child!

He did help me practice some sweet moves for the DCON hip hop dance. He kept trying to tell me to watch webcasts for Statistics but we inevitably ended up watching Koraen dramas instead. The next person should tell Calvin to go on a diet. JK. He's awesome.


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Vietnamese noodles aren't the only kind of food I like! I love all kinds of different food. I'm very cultured, see.


Aww.... I don't want to give Calvin back, we had so much fun together =D. It was great to have him by my side this whole week, though it was raining practically all day.

This week we went to everything together. I took him to R.O.C.K., Ace of Cakes work day, Talent Show practices, Hands on Science planning meeting, committee meetings, it was awesome. I had to keep Calvin in my bag all weekend because of the horrible weather, but he loved every minute of it, maybe because I had so much food in my bag. haha, he is awesome.

Oh and during the Talent Show Rehearsal he got to see everyone's awesome sexy Britney Spears moves and he secretly told me he wanted to dance just like that during DCON.

The best thing we did together was go shopping =D. I have never met another guy who would have stayed that long with me!! He even tried on some rocker shades =D. Well I hope whoever has him next will treat him uber uber well.



I was so honored to get to spend a whole week with Calvin. He came to me so unexpectedly! At first i was worried b/c his passport expired last yaer, but all he had to do was look at the authorities with those piercing black eyes & they just let him through without 2nd thought.

I asked him to teach me, but I just couldn't quite get it. Poor Calvin had to watch me do homework all week; he just chuckled while he watched me struggle w/o-chem.

I wanted to bring him to the Muir Woods Earth Day Celebration but i didn't want him to get his paws dirty. He didn't get to go to the social later that night either, because I didn't want to watch the horror movie. Calvin called me chicken. I gave him a shell belt in apology.

On Sunday though, Calvin got to watch us bake cookies for soldiers at war AND he watched us make pages of our awesome castle scrapbook! I'm going to miss Calvin so much.



I had a lot of fun with Calvin. It was a long-- time that I spent with him...

I made him a classy top hat for formal occasions and planned to make a bow tie but I never got around to make it for him. I envisioned a whole outfit closet for him but I am not too good with fabric so I slowly lost interest... ha ha ha...

We spent Christmas, New Years, and Chinese New Years together. Since I stayed in Berkeley the WHOLE time, it was good to have Calvin sitting on our apartment's dark blue couch keeping me company. Also, he guided me to have a good start for the new semester! Thanks Calvin for keeping me company and ending + starting semesters together.
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