
Calvin is the most hardworking little bear I have ever known! Not only did he use his wide imagination and creative skills in helping at Children's Halloween festival work days, but he also helped me choose a recipe for CKI's october newsletter, and write up an article about Key to College 2008!!!

Being the protective cub that he is, my roommate and I couldn't feel any safer in our apartment throughout the past week!

Missing you already =(


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I'm counting the days until I can see you again, Ani. I miss you too!


So, my original intention was to go into lots of fun details about all the fun stuff Calvin and I did this week, but now it's Tuesday. Almost time for the Circle K meeting and I still have to study for a midterm tomorrow.

Calvin is currently helping me study Italian Renaissance art. Ok. This week I did a lot of Circle K stuff that Calvin could not join me for, but he did get to meet my suitmates way up at Foothill; we spent all night dancing and growling.

I had lots of reading and studying so Calvin didn't get out much but on Sunday he went to the Goblin Jamboree w/ me! We were right by the Golden Gate Bridge and had an excellent time watching cute kids in costumes!



Calvin's a cook! This week, Calvin spent time with me in the kitchen, learning to cook with the master, who was learning to cook from recipies found on the back of soup cans.

We made cookies, cake, and even a delicious chicken dish!

While I went to school, Calvin stayed and guarded our apartment with much zest. And it worked! Not a single robber came! In fact, he did such a good job that we weren't robbed even BEFORE he came here! To reward him I read him some crazy fairytales by the Brothers Grimm. Sadly, due to midterms, I couldn't have more adventures with Calvin.


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hehe, my guarding skills are enough to create a time paradox!


It was such an honor to have Calvin for the week. So naturally we did what any girl & stuffed animal do... camwhore.

I brought Calvin to a few events & some of my classes like French "Parley-vous froveous?"

I brought him to ___ so he could watch me suffer & sweat.

Although I would have liked to have Calvin help me with my ___, that didn't work out so well >.>. The week is over so soon! I'll miss you Calvin!!


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I learned a lot in the French class! Je mapelle Calvin, ohohohoho
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