My what a week Calvin has had! We have done so much that I felt I had to type in this log to fit it all on one page.Alright, so on the night I took Calvin back to my dorm, I introduced him to my 3 roommates. They all seemed to welcome him quite nicely. It had not even been 5 minutes since Calvin's arrival that one of my roommates (Chris) had mentioned he had a bear of his own whom he wanted to introduce to Calvin. And, yes, it was a female bear (Oh la la, indeed). However, once my roommate started to describe hsi bear, Calvin was no longer thrilled at the thought of exploring a relationship with her. The one description the stuck out the most to me and Calvin was that she only had one ear. As endearing as that trait was, Calvin wasn't too wooed by it. Also, that night Calvin did his best to help me with my rhetoric paper, but Kantian philosophy was too much for him to handle. So he went to bed early.The next day, Calvin accompanied me to the Single-Service meeting. There we worked together on posters to advertise the upcoming Children's Festival. Also, we stayed a little after for the PR meeting, where he saw his past two caretakers Kathleen and Tiffany. After, we headed back to Bowles to work on an ED1 project that was due the next day, which we worked on for a little bit and then I headed out to the RSF for a volleyball game. I came back around midnight and got back to work. Despite his valiant efforts to stay awake and help, Calvin could not. So, while he slept, I pulled an all-nighter. The next morning Calvin took pictures with my model, claiming that it aws his territory.Throughout the week, Calvin and I were stoked about CKI NOrth and for our team (Team Frost). However, when Saturday came, my alarm clock didn't go off, and woke up around 9:30, which was long after the meeting at Barrows. After 15 minutes of calling and scrambling, we headed to the BART station to go to San Bruno where Gail and Darcy graciously picked us up. Calvin and i were bummed that we came late, but were happy that we were still able to compete for the last half. His presence as our mascot definitely helped our efforts to earn 3rd place (that and my awesome Rock-Paper-Scissors skills). After CKI North, we, along with other Circle K'ers went to the Kiwanis Oktoberfest. That sure was loads of fun. While the others and I served dinner, Calvin beared the drink ticket table. However, at the end of the event, we came to realize that Calvin had been stolen by our very OWN Berkeley Kiwanian: Virginia Carpenter. Luckily, with Joe's connections, we managed to get Calvin back safely. My waht a week Calvin had!-Darrell Hawkins+ + +
I feel like I should apologize to Chris's bear, but-- I can't help it! I like women with two ears!