
Calvin proved himself to be an excellent study buddy in the Week of Many Midterms. He nailed all the problems at the modeling and graphics review, but his favorite part was roaring and dancing for stress relief.

Unfortunately, he couldn't enter the clean lab because they didn't have hair nets that would fit him. But Calvin said that was okay because he was a little nervous about all of the chemicals.



Calvin is the best coseller of CKI Valentine's Rose a girl like me could ask for =) And he helped me pick which of my 15 valentines would be #1. He met the WISE 06/07 girls and he shadowed me throughout my lectures. Calvin is so smart; he didn't have any problems with the material. Passerby on Sproul oh'd and ah'd at his gait and growl. I will miss him so!

-Kim Ngyuyen

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Kim is so nice to me. Everything she said is completely true though! I'm a lady's bear.
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